329 Arrival Instrucitons

Directions to Mauna Kea Resort
Follow Highway 19 north for 25.4 miles and turn right into the Westin Hapuna entrance at the Mauna Kea Resort. Unit address inside the resort is: 62-3600 Amaui Place, Villa 329, Kamuela HI 96743.
Advise guard that you are a residential guest. Be sure to have your registration form to show in case they do not have your name at the gate. You can print out the one you did online or bring the one sent to Hikialani. If purchasing access, you will be given a rearview mirror ID to hang for identification.
If not purchasing resort access let the guard know you are renting a home but not wishing to use the resort amenities.
Directions to Waiulaula – Check in 4:00 p.m. / Check out 11:00 a.m.
Once through the guard gate take the first left on Amaui Drive and follow the road to the entrance gate on your left. Gate code: #8884. This code also accesses the Amenity Center.
Once through the gate go straight ahead until the dead end at the round-about. Circle taking a left exit towards Villa Drive. Follow the road until you approach a cul de sac. Right before the cul de sac on the left side is villa 329. Number on side of the garage. Lock box on is on the left inside frame code: 2329. Put back the lock box key for service staff. Inside you will find two villa keys.
Resort Access Packet Pickup 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
To pick up your packet at the Westin Hapuna Hotel, turn right out of Waiulaula gate to the bottom of the hill and turn left. Follow the road to the resort. Residential Services is located on the far-left corner of the lobby to pick up the packet. THEY DO NOT HAVE VILLA KEYS. To Get You Started for Your Vacation and Family Personal Needs
Below is a list of items that are supplied upon your arrival. This will give you time to assess your family needs allowing you time to enjoy the villa before your big shopping day. This is a first line of provision as each family needs vary not only from size and amount of use, but also particular allergies or ailments. But we are happy to get you started!
- (2) rolls of paper towels
- Trash bags
- Kitchen Dish soap
- Kitchen sponges
- Dishwasher soap
- Finish Jet Dry Rinse Aid
- All-purpose cleaner
- Windex
- Kitchen hand soap and sanitizer
- Broom and floor swiffer (swiffer varies by floor type)
- Foil, saran, gallon freezer and sandwich bags
- Bathroom liner trash bags
- Toilet and tissue paper
- Lysol Toilet Cleaner
- Shower and bathroom soap (no shampoo or creams due to personal preferences) •
Laundry detergent and softener sheets - Inspect spray (covers ground and air)
- Salt & Pepper (though most homes are full of other favorite brands and oils) •
Long stick lighter - Beach chairs, cooler, umbrella, and pool towels for local beaches
- Blower dryer in each guestroom
Contacts – Monday – Saturday 9:00am to 6:00pm
Expect delay in response unless an emergency like the villa is on fire if contact outside these times. ☺ Email Sunday for a Monday reply. We have several guests in the resort so many to love on! We are glad you are one of them!
Donna Brucato – 808-895-0184 – Hikialani Resort Destinations, Inc.
Maricel Badon – 808-895-9499 – Kawailana Luxury Home Cleaning, LLC. (Housekeeping requests)